Python coding with Microbit
Course Overview
In this course students will explore Python programming using the BBC MicroBit : a credit-card sized computer with built-in sensors and wireless communication.
Students will learn about concepts of programming and will make fun projects using internal/external sensors and actuators.
Day 1
On the first day students will be introduced to Python language and micro bit. They will start their class by learning the basics of python language like printing, variables and how to use built-in libraries of microbit.
Day 2
Students will learn about input/output pins of micro bit. They will cover the concepts like if/else statements, boolean expression, for loops, while loops ,lists and how to display results on microbit’s screen.
Day 3
Students will make a game called “Rock Paper Scissor”.They will also learn about random numbers, strings and other data types.
Day 4
Students will learn to code internal compass and temperature sensor in Micro:bit. They will also learn about radio module in Micro:bit.
Day 5
On the last day, students will interface external sensors and will work on a final project which will include the concepts learnt throughout the course.